Daily routes
Scheduled for the year routes regularlyDaily routes
Check here the available routes and book your place
Routes for groups
A minimum of participants need no longer offered on a regular basisSpecial routes for groups
These routes for groups not offered on a regular basis why you need a minimum of participants.Read conditions of service

Lava Tunnels
Spectacular views within Lava TunnelsLava Tunnels
Guided tours unforgettable, within Lava Tunnels.Read conditions of service

Excursions for cruiseship passengers
Our trekking excursions available to cruise passengers stopping off on Lanzarote.Excursions for cruiseship passengers
Check here the available routes and book your placeRead more about Excursions for cruiseship passengers in Lanzarote

Lanzarote at your leisure
For people who want to travel independentlyLanzarote at your leisure
Check here the available routes and book your place